Prostration in prayer
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JMD Morgan
2009-08-12 21:00:48 UTC
When you pray to God are you following the tradition of the Prophets?
The tradition of the Prophets is to prostrate to God (Allah) in prayer!

Watch this video

Padraigh ProAmerica
2009-08-15 01:15:18 UTC
Maybe muzzie savages do that because Allah is a savage god. Christians
see Him as a God who loves us; we (by historic precedence) worship Him
either kneeling, sitting, or (as the old prophets did) wityh hands and
head raised.

He doesn't really care HOW we do it (read the Book of Ephisians,
especially the second chapter) as long as we do it as best we can.

"True religion affords government its surest support. The future of this
nation depends on the Christian training of our youth. It is impossible
to govern without the Bible."
George Washington
2009-08-20 23:09:34 UTC
Post by Padraigh ProAmerica
Maybe muzzie savages do that because Allah is a savage god. Christians
see Him as a God who loves us; we (by historic precedence) worship Him
either kneeling, sitting, or (as the old prophets did) wityh hands and
head raised.
He doesn't really care HOW we do it (read the Book of Ephisians,
especially the second chapter) as long as we do it as best we can.
"True religion affords government its surest support. The future of this
nation depends on the Christian training of our youth. It is impossible
to govern without the Bible."
George Washington
Sure, our god loves us. Sends us to burn in hell for eternity, if we disobey
him. You are an igrorant, goddamn racist.

Are you aware that Jews, Christians & Muslims pray to the same god?
Padraigh ProAmerica
2009-08-22 02:11:21 UTC
1) God sends no one to Hell. You choose your own fate, and He carries
our your desires.

2) Hebrews and Christians pray to th same God. Muzzies do not. Allah is
the big rock in Mecca they pray to. Mohammed, atempting to get his
twisted cult going, decided that rock was God. He was a pagan at heat.

"True religion affords government its surest support. The future of this
nation depends on the Christian training of our youth. It is impossible
to govern without the Bible."
George Washington
2009-08-22 04:33:51 UTC
Post by Padraigh ProAmerica
1) God sends no one to Hell. You choose your own fate, and He carries
our your desires.
2) Hebrews and Christians pray to th same God. Muzzies do not. Allah is
the big rock in Mecca they pray to. Mohammed, atempting to get his
twisted cult going, decided that rock was God. He was a pagan at heat.
"True religion affords government its surest support. The future of this
nation depends on the Christian training of our youth. It is impossible
to govern without the Bible."
George Washington
For a religious guy you're pretty ignorant about Islam.

Even an atheist like me knows that worshiping rocks & idols is absolutely
forbidden in Islam.
Padraigh ProAmerica
2009-08-22 04:50:32 UTC
Sorry, that's the story. The big rock in Mecca was worshipped as a god
by the Arabs. Mohammed (the child molester) needed followers, so he
allowed them to contine their practices; he just adjusted them slightly.

BTW, "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images" predates the
Koran by over 2,500 years. Al the Koran is is a sloppy and crude
rewriting of the Old Testament, with some Arab supestitions thrown in.

"True religion affords government its surest support. The future of this
nation depends on the Christian training of our youth. It is impossible
to govern without the Bible."
George Washington
2009-08-22 22:59:09 UTC
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Padraigh ProAmerica
2009-08-23 13:24:04 UTC
Christianty dying?


In your dreams maybe.

SOUTH AMERICA: Charismatic Catholicism is spreading across the

NORTH AMERICA: Evangelical, nondenominational churches experience strong

EUROPE. There are some problems here, but some evangelism is ongoing.

AFRICA: Christianity is actinfg a a bulwark agaisnt Islamm in central
Africa; in the Muslim dopminated north, small, brave groups continue to
see growth despite ongoing Muslim persecution, including murder.

ASIA: Small but significant and growing groups proferate from India to
Japan and even Communist China and North Korea.

"True religion affords government its surest support. The future of this
nation depends on the Christian training of our youth. It is impossible
to govern without the Bible."
George Washington
Padraigh ProAmerica
2009-08-23 13:31:00 UTC
There's a book out there that's acknowleged as the best source for
understanding the accurate histoiocity of the Bible: "The Bible as
History". It's been revised at least three times to keep up with
archaeoligical disoveries tha continue to uncover Biblical history as
fact. You might be able to get a copy through Borders or Barnes and

I can't remember the authors name (IIRC, he's German), but he's not an
active CHristian (or Jew), just an expert who wanted to compare the
Bible to known history.

"True religion affords government its surest support. The future of this
nation depends on the Christian training of our youth. It is impossible
to govern without the Bible."
George Washington

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